
适用性: This Policy applies to all 哪个app可以赌足球 (“赌钱app可以微信提现” or the “College”) employees, 指定人员除外, 由谁统治 道德守则政策.02.

目的: The purpose of this Policy is to ensure that employees identify and disclose possible Conflicts of Interest, 并以一种不会损害学院诚信的方式行事.


“商业协议”指任何协议, 合同, or other business relationship which legally and 合同ually binds or obligates the College including, 但不限于, 货物采购协议, 服务, 不动产, 租赁, 关系的协议, 销售协议, 授予合同, 谅解备忘录, 函件及安排协议, 和承诺.

“利益冲突” means any situation where financial or personal considerations compromise an individual’s objectivity, 职业判断, professional integrity or ability to perform responsibilities for the College and includes actual Conflicts of Interest and Perceived or Potential Conflicts of Interest. 

“指定人员”的含义与本文件所载的含义相同 道德守则政策.02.

“家庭成员”指, 就本政策而言, 配偶, 家长, 兄弟姐妹, 孩子, 或与雇员居住在同一家庭的任何其他亲属或伴侣.

“可感知的或潜在的利益冲突”发生在, 尽管没有实际的利益冲突, the circumstances are such that a reasonable person might question whether an individual’s objectivity, 职业判断, professional integrity or ability to perform responsibilities for the College are compromised.


I. 责任. 学院的员工有义务维护公众的信任, protect and advance the College’s integrity and act in the best interests of the College while carrying out their official College duties.

The following non-exclusive list provides examples of situations that often give rise to an actual, 察觉到的或潜在的利益冲突:

  1. 在与学院有业务往来的实体中拥有所有权权益;
  2. Receives significant salary or other compensation from an entity with which or individual with whom the College does business;
  3. Receives significant gifts or individual discounts from an entity with which or individual with whom the College does business, when a reasonable person would infer that the donor’s intent is to influence such employee in the performance of official College duties;
  4. 是一名军官, 导演, 或与学院有业务往来的实体的其他关键决策者;
  5. Receives significant 佣金 or 费用 as part of an outside business from a customer or client with whom the College does business; or
  6. Has a Family Member or close personal relationship with someone who fits into one of the categories described above.

Additionally, Conflicts of Interest may arise in other circumstances, such as those described in the 约会和关系政策.02裙带关系政策.01,有关情况将按有关政策处理.

II. 利益披露.尽管大多数感知到的或潜在的利益冲突将被视为无关紧要, 员工应披露感知到的或潜在的利益冲突, 以及实际的利益冲突, 提交给他们的主管进行审查并确定适当的行动方针. The supervisor shall require the employee to complete a written disclosure form in connection with the employee’s involvement in making decisions on behalf of the College. 在决定某项利益是否需要披露时, employees should err on the side of caution and construe this Policy broadly in favor of disclosure.  

3. 协议、合同和采购. College employees shall not knowingly promote or enter into any Business Agreement on behalf of the College when an actual 利益冲突 or Perceived or Potential 利益冲突 exists, 包括在下列情况下:

  1. 雇员受雇于或为商业协议的另一方.
  2. 雇员或家庭成员持有超过5美元的公平权益,在过去12个月的任何时间,向商业协议的另一方支付5,000美元或5%的股份.
  3. 员工或家庭成员至少收到2美元,应税补偿(工资), 佣金, 费用, 等.)在上一个纳税年度从商业协议的另一方.
  4. Employee or Family Member received at least $500 in gifts in the preceding 12 months from the other party to the Business Agreement, unless a gift is due to a personal relationship and clearly not for the purpose of influencing the employee’s official College duties.
  5. Employee or Family Member holds a key decision making position with the other party to the Business Agreement (e.g.高级职员、董事、合伙人、执行人员、业主等.).

IV. 礼物. 参与选择供应商的大学员工, products and 合同ors or who participate in forming Business Agreements should avoid accepting significant gifts and individual discounts from outside individuals and entities that are existing or potential vendors and 合同ors for those Business Agreements when a reasonable person would infer that it is the donor’s intent to influence an employee’s official College duties. 偶尔吃饭, beverages and other non-extravagant gifts are acceptable as long as they are not intended to influence the employee’s official action on behalf of the College. Employees who believe they may have accepted a gift giving rise to an actual 利益冲突 or a Perceived or Potential 利益冲突, 是否应根据本政策通知其主管.

Employees are encouraged to consider donating any gifts or proceeds to the College or Foundation. A gift received as a result of a purchase made by the College will typically be deemed as a gift to the College and not any individual employee, 除非员工的主管另有决定. 给学院的礼物, 无论是直接还是间接通过其雇员, 应遵守  对外资金政策212.05.

V. 参与限制. 关于某一特定交易或业务项目的, if an employee is deemed by the supervisor to have an actual 利益冲突 or a significant Perceived or Potential 利益冲突, the employee shall not participate in the decision for which the employee has the 利益冲突. Decisions related to that transaction or item of business shall be made solely by disinterested employees. 在决定雇员是否应被要求不参与时, 主管应考虑所有相关的事实和情况, including whether the 合同 price is fixed by law or whether the transaction will be entered into solely and exclusively on the basis of the competitive bidding process, 在这种情况下, an employee with a Perceived or Potential 利益冲突 may still be allowed to participate in some parts of the process. 

VI. 违反. An employee found to be in violation of this Policy may be subject to discipline up to and including termination of employment in accordance with the 停职、降职和解雇政策.08.

7. 政策解释. Audit and Advisory Services 和 Office of General Counsel will be responsible for interpreting this Policy and any related procedures, 因为它们可能适用于特定情况.

修订日期:2002年6月20日、2013年8月15日.06), 09/21/2017, 07/20/2023