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Suspension, Demotion and Termination Policy 415.08
Johnson County Community College
Series: 400 Personnel
Section: Employee Complaints and Discipline

Cross Reference: Suspension, Demotion and Termination Appeal Operating Procedure 416.02




A. Reasons for Suspension, Demotion and Termination

学院期望所有员工都表现出专业、礼貌和尊重的行为. 以下是暂停的有效理由或原因的非详尽清单, demotion or termination of any employee.

  1. Abolition of position or program.
  1. 可能对学院产生负面影响或影响工作效率的活动.
  1. 可能造成或导致学院课堂运作或其他活动中断,或可能危及人身或财产安全的行为.
  1. Conviction of a criminal act. (If an employee with a felony conviction is employed, 并在受聘时予以披露,并在员工人事档案中予以记录, 该定罪不应构成其后不续期或终止的理由.)
  1. Dishonesty or falsification of information.
  1. 不遵守任何学院的政策,操作程序或规则或任何法律或法规.
  1. 未能遵守不时订明的工作的合理规定.
  1. Failure to maintain required training, certification or licensing.
  1. Inefficiency or incompetency in the performance of duties.
  1. 不服从或不遵守和执行主管的合理指示.
  1. Insufficient revenue.
  1. 精神上或身体上的不健康,使雇员不能圆满地履行基本的工作职能.
  1. Neglect of duty.
  1. Negligent, careless or improper use of College property, resources or funds or unauthorized use of College property, resources or funds for personal use.
  1. Reduction in staff.
  1. Unauthorized absence or excessive absenteeism. 不来上班可按辞职处理 Resignation Policy 415.07.
  1. Unauthorized conversion of property.
  1. Unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of a controlled substance or abuse of alcohol (as defined in the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 and in the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989) by an employee on College property or as part of any College activities; or the failure of an employee to notify the College of any criminal drug statute conviction for a violation occurring in the workplace as required by the Substance Abuse and Alcohol Policy 424.03.
  1. Unprofessional conduct.
  1. Violation of a written contract.

B. Notice of Demotion or Termination

Unless otherwise specified in a written contract or by law, employment for College employees is at will, 这些员工可能会被无故降职或解雇,而无需给出任何理由.

Whenever the employee’s supervisor or designee, following the guidance of a director over Human Resources, determines that an employee should be demoted or terminated, 人力资源部将向该员工提供由主管或指定人员签署的书面通知,告知该建议将在即将举行的董事会定期会议或特别会议上提出.


  1. The nature of the determination (i.e., demotion or termination).
  1. The reasons for the determination.
  1. Any interim actions, 例如在董事会审议该建议之前的行政休假, and the effective date of such action.
  1. 一个选项,以审查员工的人事档案,根据 Personnel File Policy 413.00.
  1. The employee’s appeal rights, if applicable. 可以通过引用或包含相关政策的副本来满足这一要求.

Employees not in a Probationary Period as defined by the Probationary Period Policy 415.06 会在董事会考虑降职或解雇建议前两(2)周收到通知.

但是,受书面合同或K.S.A. 72-2251 et seq. will receive notice of termination, demotion, 依照书面合同或者法律规定中止或者停止续约的, respectively, 在某种程度上,这些条款与本政策不一致. 员工过去续签书面合同的事实不应被视为在书面合同期满后继续雇佣的预期, 也不得在书面合同期满后创造任何受保护的雇佣财产利益.

C. Notice of Suspension

如果有必要保护学院的最大利益,员工可能会被停薪或无薪停职. Whenever the employee’s supervisor or designee, following the guidance of a director over Human Resources, determines that an employee should be suspended, 人力资源部将向员工提供由主管或其指定人员签署的书面通知. 员工最多可被停职三十(30)个工作日.

D. Appeals

员工可以对停职或建议降职或解雇提出上诉, upon the following grounds:

  1. Procedural irregularity that affected the outcome of the matter.
  1. 在作出决定时无法合理取得的新证据,影响了案件的结果.


  1. The employee is suspended with pay.
  1. The employee is a part-time or temporary employee.
  1. 由于收入不足,该雇员将不再被任命, abolition of position or program, reduction of program, 员工未能圆满完成试用期, 或员工未能保持认证和/或许可或提供令人满意的证据.

Where grounds for appeal exist, 员工必须在收到停职通知、降职建议或解雇通知之日起五(5)个工作日内向人力资源副总裁办公室提出书面申诉. The written appeal must describe in detail the grounds for appeal. Appeals will be processed in accordance with the Suspension, Demotion and Termination Appeal Operating Procedure 416.02.

如果被停职的员工被建议降职或被解雇, the matter of any appeal of the suspension shall become moot.

Date of Adoption: