
Want to check your progress? View your grades online or use the GPA计算器 to estimate your grades.


For additional information about our grading system, refer to our grading system board policies.


Final grades are available online after all grades have been submitted by all instructors and grade processing is complete. 成绩 are generally available online three business days after the last date of final exams. This date is published in the academic calendar for each term. Your final grades will be not mailed. You may view them online by logging in to My赌钱app可以微信提现选择 MyRecords 选项卡 then click on the 成绩 & Unofficial Transcript icon.


Refer to 学术地位 board policy for details.


使用 GPA计算器 to estimate your semester GPA.

  • Enter the number of credit hours and letter grade earned for each of your courses and the calculator will automatically determine the number of grade points earned for each course.
  • After you have entered all of the credit hours and grades for each course, hit the “compute” button to see what your estimated semester GPA will be.
  • Only enter letter grades of A, B, C, D or F in the calculator. 成绩 of “P” for “passing,“I”代表“不完整”,” or “W” for “withdrawn” are not included in your GPA calculation, so do not enter those courses into the calculator.
  • When you hit the compute button, if you get a GPA of “NaN” it means you have entered a grade value that is not valid.
  • 使用 “reset” button to remove any courses entered with an invalid grade value and try the calculation again.

When you select the GPA计算器 link, you will exit the 赌钱app可以微信提现 website and enter the Valencia Community College website. 的 GPA计算器 is provided courtesy of Jeff Danser at Valencia Community College.


Students may choose a pass/fail grading option for one course per semester. This allows a passing grade in the course (A, B, C, 或D) to be recorded as a Pass "P" grade and will not affect the student's GPA. However, a failing grade (F) will be recorded as an "F" and will negatively impact the GPA.

一些学校, scholarship committees and honorary societies do not accept this grading system and may choose to convert the "P" grade or not accept the coursework. In addition, some degrees and prerequisites require a grade of "C" or better in certain courses. A "P" grade may not meet these requirements.

If you are considering the pass/fail option, schedule an appointment with a counselor to discuss whether this option is right for you. Counselor approval is required on the Optional Pass/Fail Grade Request form. Once the form is submitted, the course grade will be recorded as a "P" or an "F" on your official transcript and may not be changed back to a regular grade (A, B, C, 或D).

的 deadline for changing a class to the pass/fail grade option may be found in the "Drop Deadline Dates" available online for each semester.


If you repeat a class at 赌钱app可以微信提现, only the more recent grade earned will be used in computing your cumulative grade point average (GPA). Both grades will remain on the transcript, but the previous grade will not be calculated into the cumulative GPA.

If you are receiving financial aid, you should verify with the 金融援助 office that repeating a course won't affect your eligibility status.

  • 的 more recent grade will have an "I" indicator, which includes the grade in the cumulative GPA.
  • Students may not enroll in any course for the third time without counselor approval.
  • Students cannot use advanced standing credit to repeat a class.
  • A "W" grade will not be changed or removed from the transcript.

This policy for calculation of repeated courses applies only to the 赌钱app可以微信提现 transcript. If you intend to transfer to another institution, the school you transfer to may have a different policy for calculating repeated courses that you transfer in. You should check with the Registrar's office at the school you plan to attend to see how your repeated courses will be calculated at your new school.

Prior to spring 1995, an "R" replaced the earlier grade on a student's transcript. 从1995年春天开始, the "R" grade is no longer used and the original grade remains on the transcript with a special notation of an "E" (repeat indicator), which excludes the grade from the cumulative GPA.


Students who have experienced a severe extenuating circumstance that prevents completion of the course on time may request an “I” (incomplete) grade from the professor. In order to be considered, the student must have completed a significant portion of the course and have a passing grade at the time of the request. 在某些课程中, an incomplete grade cannot be given due to the nature of the course material or teaching methodology. Incomplete grades will be granted only for exceptional circumstances and are granted strictly at the discretion of the professor.

An incomplete grade contract must be signed by the student and the professor and submitted to the academic division office for approval. This agreement must be es选项卡lished as soon as it becomes evident that the course cannot be completed on time. Once final grades are submitted for the course, an incomplete grade cannot be given.

All course requirements must be completed before the deadline es选项卡lished by the professor on the incomplete grade contract. This date can be no later than the deadline for converting an “I” grade to a final grade as shown below. Incomplete grades that are not converted to a final grade by the deadline will automatically be changed to an “F”.

Grade Change Deadlines for Previously Assigned “I” 成绩

  • May 1: Deadline for professors to submit grade changes to the Records Office for incomplete grades given in the previous fall semester
  • December 1: Deadline for professors to submit grade changes to the Records Office for incomplete grades given in the previous spring or summer semester

During the semester that a student is completing the "I" contract, the student cannot re-enroll in the class, nor is the student considered currently enrolled on the basis of the "I" grade from the previous semester.

Students may not withdraw from a course in which an "I" has been assigned. Incomplete grades may also affect financial aid eligibility. Contact the financial aid office if you have questions.


Student Grade Review Petition form (PDF) must be submitted to the dean of the division in which the course is offered within forty-five (45) calendar days of the college's release of a final credit course grade to the student. Refer to our grade review and appeal policy for a complete description.

Submit the 赌钱app可以微信提现 Student Grade Review Petition Form to the dean of the division in which the course is offered. Academic Affairs provides a list of the divisions, the name of the dean and the departments under each division.


If you enroll in and complete a minimum of six credit hours and earn a GPA of 3.5 or higher during any semester, your name will appear on the Part-time 优秀学生名单 list. If you enroll in and complete a minimum of 12 credit hours and earn a GPA of 3.50 to 3.99, your name will appear on the Dean's List. If you enroll in and complete a minimum of 12 credit hours and earn a GPA of 4.00, your name will appear on the President's List.