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CONNECT is a two-year transition program for young adults with intellectual/ developmental disabilities. 它架起了高中和成年之间的桥梁.

CONNECT Application Packet


An information session will be held in December for prospective applicants and their families. 请回到这里查看接近这些日期的注册和申请信息!

CONNECT Student Experience



CONNECT includes:

  • Program-specific courses in life planning, career development and independent living
  • On-campus internship opportunities
  • 学分课程(用于学分或审核)
  • Continuing education courses

This is a selective admission program with an application process and fee (in addition to tuition). Spots are limited.

Graduates receive a continuing education certificate in Career Development and Leadership.

  1. Students must have been diagnosed with an intellectual or developmental disability or autism spectrum disorder, prior to the age of 18, as documented by either educational, medical, 或者由合格的专业人士进行心理评估.
  2. Students must be currently or were formerly eligible for special education and related services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), including a student who was determined eligible and was home-schooled or attended private school.
  3. 学生必须表现出高度的独立性和情感成熟度;
    1. Ability to administer medications, 在没有帮助的情况下管理医疗状况和自我护理.
    2. 能够在最少的帮助下在赌钱app可以微信提现校园内导航.
    3. Ability to complete the interview process for acceptance without the assistance of a parent/guardian.
    4. 没有会破坏学习和校园环境的行为, 包括身体或言语攻击.
    5. Demonstrate the ability to appropriately interact with peers and follow guidelines, including the 赌钱app可以微信提现 Student Code of Conduct.
    6. 能够与他人进行口头交流, through sign language or communication device with enough expressive language to advocate for themselves in both routine and unplanned situations (i.e.、在校园迷路、医疗紧急情况等.).
    7. 能够在无人监督的情况下保持至少四小时.
    8. 能够独立参加安排的课程.
    9. 能够管理学院级别的任务(日程安排), meeting with advisors/counselors, meeting with professors, etc.) independently.  
  4. 学生必须独立表现出追求教育的愿望, 在社区大学的就业和社会经验, including agreeing to attend and participate in all CONNECT courses and activities as prescribed.
  5. 学生必须具备基本的阅读、写作和数学能力.

由于每学期需要的接触时数, 所有被录取的CONNECT学生将退出其K-12学校的所有服务, including any 18-21 programming, prior to beginning CONNECT.


Each applicant should follow the steps given on the webpage to submit the application materials by the assigned deadline.  Priority deadline: 1/31/24.  Final deadline 2/15/24.

Step 2: Packet Review

Each application packet, including references, will be reviewed by the Programs Manager to ensure that the applicant meets the admissions criteria, 申请已经完成,并在规定的截止日期前收到.  所有满足这些要求的应用程序将进入第三步.

Step 3: Admissions Committee Review

An Admissions Committee, comprised of Supported Education, Career Development Center, Counseling and ACCESS Services staff will review applications and select applicants to move forward to step four.  在此审查阶段,应用程序将是匿名的.  Three categories will be given priority consideration: applications submitted by the priority deadline, Johnson County residents and applicants who have previously taken CLEAR classes through 赌钱app可以微信提现

Step 4: Interview


Step 5: Admissions Decision

Chosen applicants will be notified by email about their acceptance into the CONNECT program.

在申请和选择过程中, members of the Supported Education staff will be unable to answer any questions about the status of your application. After each step is completed, you will receive an e-mail with any further information needed and/or letting you know if your application has moved forward to the next step. 如果您的申请没有进展, you will be given suggestions and alternatives to strengthen skills and your application for future processes. All communication regarding the process will occur via e-mail and will be e-mailed to the address listed as the student's personal e-mail.

每学期,学生将支付550美元的CONNECT项目费用. 这笔费用包括CONNECT特定课程的费用和同侪辅导时间.

Beginning in semester two, students are also responsible for paying standard 赌钱app可以微信提现 tuition rates for any credit or continuing education elective courses they are taking. Reference standard 赌钱app可以微信提现 tuition rates.

在2024-2025学年,财政援助 will not be available for CONNECT fees.

Semester 1 - Fall

M,W,F 9-9:50 a.m. and 10-10:50 a.m. OR 10-10:50 a.m. and 11-11:50 a.m.

  • Job Readiness (4 AU): 通用的工作技能,如团队合作, communication, flexibility, customer service, problem-solving, 在这个实践课程中探索创造性思维.   这是实习一的先决条件.

  • Communication Skills (4 AU):  The study of verbal, 人际关系中的非语言和书面沟通, 重点是提高专业和个人沟通能力.  Social media safety and basic social skills such as cues in conversations, texting etiquette, etc. will be covered. 本课程是专门为职业道路的学生设计的.   Or

  • Composition Skills (4 AU):研究书面和口头交流的学科.  Students will learn foundational college level writing and presentation skills to prepare for credit coursework. This course is specifically designed for students on the Transition to AA Pathway or who will take credit courses for credit. 

Semester 2 - Spring

M,W,F 9-9:50 a.m., 10-10:50 a.m. and 11-11:50 a.m.

  • Shifting the Power (4 AU): Foundations in self-advocacy, self-awareness and self-determination are explored in this course.  当你过渡到成年时,学习如何找到并使用你自己的声音. 

  • Health and Wellness (4 AU): Explore topics in physical fitness, nutrition, healthy personal relationships, risky behaviors, 以及年轻人面临的其他健康相关话题.  Students in this course will utilize the Lifetime Fitness gym on campus as part of the coursework. 

  • 独立生活基础(4澳元): 专注于独立生活所需的日常生活技能, 学生将练习个人护理技能, 家庭维护和个人组织.  学生将为毕业后的生活制定一个生活计划.

Semester 3 - Fall

M,W,F 9-9:50 a.m., 10-10:50 a.m. and 11-11:50 a.m.

  • Financial Literacy (4 AU): 获得管理个人财务所需的技能:制定预算, banking, credit and debit cards, 精明的购物,包括隐性成本.  了解工资和税务信息.

  • 过渡I:食物,营养和日常生活(4 AU): 运用在《哪个app可以赌足球》中学到的技能, students will learn the basics of cooking and nutrition and continue to build skills toward their independent living plan. This is a hands-on course that will require students to practice basic kitchen and daily living skills. 

  • 实习一:职业探索(4学分): 在本课程中,学生将为他们的第一次校园实习做准备.  Students will take interests and strengths surveys and explore career areas of interest. 实习将在课外时间进行.   这是实习二的先决条件.

Semester 4 - Spring

M,W,F 9-9:50 a.m., 10-10:50 a.m. and 11-11:50 a.m.

  • Technology in the Workplace (2 AU): 学生将学习基本的计算机技能和工作场所常用的软件, such as word processing programs, e-mail, Excel和在线工具,如基于云的系统,在这个为期八周的课程.

  • Transportation Training (2 AU): Students will learn how to navigate public transportation systems and ride sharing services in this eight-week course.  实践经验将包括在内. 

  • 实习二:职业规划(4 AU): 在本课程中,学生将为他们的第二次校园实习做准备. 学生将学习面试技巧, resume writing and job search skills and prepare a career plan for next steps after college.  实习将占用课外时间. 

  • 过渡II:改善关系(4学分) Students will explore skills in understanding others and in building positive lasting relationships.  Active listening, empathy, 识别不同的社会规范和给予和接受反馈将涉及. 

CONNECT uses the principles of Guided Pathways to place students on one of two paths regarding their program of study:

1. Vocational Pathway
Students on this pathway are looking to complete the CONNECT certificate and then enter the workforce. Elective courses will focus on continuing education courses and credit courses for audit to develop workforce skills in areas of interest.  Some credit courses may be taken for credit on this pathway with the approval of the program advisor. 

2. Transition to AA Pathway
Students on this pathway are looking to complete a traditional degree at 赌钱app可以微信提现 in addition to completing their CONNECT certificate. Elective courses will be focused on credit courses required for their chosen degree path. 

Pathways will be determined during the person-centered planning process that begins during the summer prior to the program start.