
赌钱app可以微信提现重视多元化的学生群体. It is an open-door institution which allows any student to attend.

Decorated graduation cap that says, "It seemed impossible until I made it possible"




在向赌钱app可以微信提现提出申请后的3 - 5个工作日内, 您将收到一封电子邮件,其中包含您的8位赌钱app可以微信提现学生号,并提供如何登录您的My赌钱app可以微信提现帐户的信息. 一旦你收到这封邮件, you will be able to proceed with completing the other admissions steps found below.

  • 你来自名单上所列的国家之一 结核病国家名单和/或
  • 你曾经接种过卡介苗,和/或
  • You tested positive in the past on a TB skin test yet you have never undergone a TB blood test

TB blood tests must be done at the Johnson County Health Department 和 results sent to the IISS office.


这些可以在你的个人入学计划中找到. 登录My赌钱app可以微信提现 去看看.

HB 2145是堪萨斯州的一项法律,允许不具有合法身份的个人在满足法律规定的标准时获得州内学费.

You must meet the following HB 2145 requirements to qualify for in-state tuition rates.

1. 在你打算注册的学期的第一天上课之前,在堪萨斯州居住至少六个月, 和

2. 提交一份完整的 赌钱app可以微信提现 HB 2145宣誓书表格 accompanied by transcripts 和/or GED exam results verifying the following two criteria:

  • Attendance at an accredited Kansas high school for three or more years (any grades 9-12), 和
  • Graduation from an accredited Kansas high school or a GED issued by Kansas.

高中成绩单和/或GED考试成绩需要从颁发机构直接发送到赌钱app可以微信提现招生,通过电子邮件发送到 jcccadmissions@dowtek.net 或邮寄至:

Overl和 Park, KS 66210

这是你的责任 为了满足上述要求,并确保收到所有文件,以便您的学费可以调整为州内学费. After you have submitted all documents 和 completed your Admission Plan, 联系IISS办公室,电话:COM 306.


***满足HB 2145学费调整要求的截止日期是您计划参加的学期的第一天. Failure to meet this deadline will mean you will be charged the out-of-state tuition rate. To avoid missing out on the tuition benefit of HB 2145, 我们强烈建议您在您计划参加的学期的付款截止日期之前完成HB 2145要求. All documents are due the first day of the semester you plan to attend.***


If you're in high school, you can take advantage of College Now to jump-start your college education.


Undocumented or DACA high school students pay out-of-state tuition.

看到我们的 学费页面 对于最新的利率.

赌钱app可以微信提现 has a limited amount of grant funds available for College Now students. 待考虑, you must enroll 和 submit the grant application before the semester enrollment deadline. If awarded, the grant typically covers one class at the Johnson County resident tuition rate. See your high school counselor for more details 和 to apply.


If you will be attending 赌钱app可以微信提现 after graduating from high school, you can apply for 赌钱app可以微信提现 scholarships.

First-year students who have participated in either College Now or Quick Step courses, 或者两者的组合, can apply for the Central Bank of the Midwest High School Partner Scholarship.

要获得资格,请提交 网上奖学金申请.


  • 高中毕业或同等学历
  • 2.平均绩点0或更高
  • Be enrolled in a minimum of 12 credit hours each semester at 赌钱app可以微信提现

This is a nonrenewable one-year scholarship opportunity.

我们鼓励您在优先截止日期之前完成奖学金申请和联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA). Having the FAFSA on file opens more scholarship opportunities.


High school courses in your field of study may be applied toward a 赌钱app可以微信提现 associate degree. 的 早期大学伙伴关系 & 外展 program can help link your career-related classes from high school to the same or similar program at 赌钱app可以微信提现.

的 Kansas State Senate passed Excel in CTE (formerly known as SB 155) in May 2012. 该法案授权赌钱app可以微信提现免除符合赌钱app可以微信提现堪萨斯州居住要求的高中学生参加任何分层职业技术课程的学费. Textbook, program fees 和 any other additional fees may apply.

To identify a course that qualifies for Excel in CTE:

  1. 学分课程时间表查询.
  2. 选择一项(e).g.(2021年春季学分).
  3. 使用“高级搜索”链接.
  4. Click in the "Attributes" field 和 choose "SB 155 Excel in CTE.阅读更多关于 堪萨斯大学校董会CTE优等生.

了解更多关于 早期大学伙伴关系 & 外展

Information for Undocumented/DACA students (non-high school)

准备好接受下一步的教育了? Here's some information about costs 和 how to get financial assistance.

如果您居住在堪萨斯州并在堪萨斯州高中就读三年或完成GED, DACA和无证个人可以通过HB 2145获得州内学费.



  1. 居住在以640或641开头的邮政编码中,在您打算注册的课程的第一天之前至少六个月, 和
  2. 提交一份完整的经公证的KC 地铁学费(MTR) Affidavit form accompanied by transcripts 和/or GED exam results verifying the following two criteria:
    1. Attendance at an accredited Missouri high school for three or more years (any grades 9-12), 和
    2. Graduation from an accredited Missouri high school or GED issued by Missouri.

高中成绩单和/或GED考试成绩需要从颁发机构直接发送到赌钱app可以微信提现招生,通过电子邮件发送到 jcccadmissions@dowtek.net 或邮寄至:

Overl和 Park, KS 66210

完成KC Metro Rate宣誓书

您有责任满足上述要求,并确保收到所有文件,以便您的学费可以调整为地铁费率. After you have submitted all documents 和 completed your Admission Plan, 联系IISS办公室,电话:COM 306.

Undocumented 和 DACA recipients may receive scholarships at 赌钱app可以微信提现. Be sure to complete your 赌钱app可以微信提现 Scholarship Application by applying through the 财政援助奖学金门户网站.

一旦你申请, 不要忘记查看你的学生电子邮件账户,了解额外的奖学金机会和财政援助办公室的通知.

Below are scholarship resources you may want to consider. 的se scholarships 和 websites are separate from 赌钱app可以微信提现 和 you will proceed on your own.

Please protect your personal information when pursuing funding 和 scholarships.

目前,非法移民和DACA学生 有资格获得 联邦援助. Federal aid includes Pell Grants, 工作 study or FAFSA-dependent scholarships.

If you have questions about obtaining aid or scholarships or you have a mixed family status, 联系财政援助. 的re may be some circumstances where you may file a FAFSA.



We have a lot of resources to help you succeed - from free tutoring to assistance in meeting basic needs. 

Inclusive 赌钱app可以微信提现 club for Latinos or those interested in Latino issues. LUNA has led several events specifically for DACA/undocumented students.


学生基本需求中心的任务是提供信息和资源,以克服不利影响赌钱app可以微信提现学生完成学业的困难, 职业和个人发展目标.

如果你正在经历食物或住房不安全, 或者其他困难, 请到COM 023和我们乐于助人的员工一起参观. If you know someone who needs a h和 up, tell them about our services or come with them for support.


赌钱app可以微信提现 counselors can help you choose your classes 和 offer career advice as well as personal counseling.


这是一个一年一度的会议,将高等教育专业人士和地区高中生聚集在一起,学习和分享关于如何参与我们的西班牙裔社区的想法, from successful students to employable college graduates.


的 学生成功中心 is in the Student Center building, 2nd floor. 工作人员 is ready to answer all your enrollment 和 college-related questions. 你将被引导到一个能提供帮助的人那里. Don’t be shy, we’re happy to answer any questions you may have!


Here are some community resources which offer a variety services for you.

注意: 赌钱app可以微信提现 has no connection with these outside resources. 的ir availability 和 services may change at any time. 

埃尔森特罗是拉丁裔社区的社区资源中心,提供各种形式的移民援助, 包括DACA诊所.




社区倡导移民权利和无证青年的高等教育,无论其公民身份如何, 性取向, 比赛, color, 性别, 以及民族或种族出身.




的 Clinic is a nonprofit organization that provides access to pro bono or discounted fee legal representation, 尤其是那些面临驱逐程序的人.


JVS provides a variety of community integration resources including various immigrant applications.


这个数字平台集成了数据, DACA的政策和资源, 无证件和其他移民身份, 每个州的详细信息.


Paying for medical 和/or dental care can be a challenge, especially if you do 不 have insurance. Below are some clinics that offer medical 和/or dental care on either a sliding scale or at minimal cost. 最好是打电话询问是否有资格.


寻找答案? 这里有一些人们最常问的问题. 

Yes, 赌钱app可以微信提现 is a public institution 和 status is 不 considered part of admission. 欢迎你来这里! 赌钱app可以微信提现 is committed to education 和 to those in our community, regardless of status.  

赌钱app可以微信提现 asks about your status to calculate your tuition rate (the cost to enroll). For no other reason will anyone need to know, nor should they ask about your status. 赌钱app可以微信提现 does 不 share your status document with anyone.  

赌钱app可以微信提现 does 不 share student information unless legally required to do so. 赌钱app可以微信提现 will 不 willingly give out your information unless required by law.  

Yes, if you hold a valid employment authorization document (EAD), also called a 工作 permit.

This question should be asked 和 reviewed with a qualified immigration attorney. It is generally 不 recommended that DACA or undocumented students travel. 的re may be a possibility to travel with advance parole, 但这是非常复杂和个性化的.

一般来说,没有. 的 very limited exception is related to your need for financial aid 和 calculation of your tuition rate.

什么是DACA ??

DACA计划由奥巴马总统于2012年建立,允许进入美国的非法移民进入美国.S. as minors to receive a renewable two-year period of deferred action, or protection from deportation. 赌钱app可以微信提现的无证学生可以持有DACA身份.

An undocumented immigrant is a person who is 不 a U.S. 美国公民或永久居民, 谁没有持有目前的签证在美国居住.S. 而且还没有获得合法居留权.

A person who continues to be undocumented but qualifies for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). DACA提供了暂时免于被驱逐出境的救济. Recipients are issued a Social Security number 和 工作 authorization in increments of 2-3 years. 的 DACA recipient’s immigration status does 不 change 和 is 不 a pathway to 公民hip (uLead Net工作, n.d.).

This term is used by undocumented individuals who have been granted DACA. “DACAmented”(类似于“追梦者”)有时被用来摆脱“无证移民”等词汇的负面含义, 班.S. 公民等等.

An undocumented student’s household may include family members, 尤其是年幼的兄弟姐妹, 你是谁?.S. 公民. 整个家庭单位可能不是无证件的.

HB 2145:
堪萨斯州的州内居民学费(ISRT)政策,符合条件的学生必须提交文件,反映在认可的堪萨斯州高中就读三年或以上,并从认可的堪萨斯州高中毕业或由堪萨斯州颁发的GED (HB 2145), 2004).

的 lifelong commitment to unlearn 和 relearn how to engage with marginalized individuals, i.e.,无证件社区.

这个术语用来指那些有系统和实践的学校,这些系统和实践与无证学生一起工作. 例如, 一所学校邀请并公开他们对无证学生的支持,并通过提供奖学金和项目为学生投入资源,这是一所无证学校.

作为DACA持有人, 你可以完成你的学业, 工作, get a driver’s license 和 a Social Security number. 这有助于建立个人信用记录. You may also be allowed to enter 和 exit the United States.

美国.S. federal government grants DACA status on a case-by-case basis. DACA is 不 a pathway toward residency or 公民hip.  

  • Undocumented individuals entered the United States with a valid visa or status, 但他们的移民身份已经过期
  • 的y have applied for but were denied authorization to enter or remain in the United States
  • 的y have 不 applied to obtain legal status that would permit them to remain in the United States

居住在美国的非法移民.S. must follow the application process 和 eligibility as stated by the United States 公民及移民事务 (USCIS) [PDF}.

  1. 截至2012年6月15日,年龄在31岁以下
  2. 来到美国.S. 16岁前
  3. 在美国居住过吗.S. 自2007年6月15日起
  4. 实际在美国吗.S. on Jun 15, 2012,at the time of requesting deferred action from U.S. 公民及移民事务
  5. 在2012年6月15日没有合法身份
  6. 目前在学校, have graduated or obtained certification of high school or GED or are honorably discharged veteran of the U.S. 武装部队或海岸警卫队
  7. Have 不 been convicted of a felony, significant misdemeanor or three or more misdemeanors
  8. 至少15岁或以上, unless involved in a removal proceeding or have a final removal or voluntary departure order
如果DACA被批准, it may take four to eight months to receive a 工作 authorization document (Employment Authorization Card/EAD). 为了更好地理解DACA程序, eligibility 和 benefits we recommend you 工作 with an immigration attorney.

DREAM st和s for Development, Relief, 和 Education for Alien Minors. DREAM法案是两党于2001年提出的立法,旨在向符合既定要求的无证个人提供有条件的居留. DREAMer is commonly used to describe undocumented individuals who are in the United States.  

S.952 -梦想法案2011

S.1291 -梦想法案