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美国律师协会- ABA批准的律师助理计划

Approved by the 美国律师协会 continuously for more than 40 years, our Paralegal program provides a practical educational experience to students new to the legal profession and to those with years of experience working in law.

The 赌钱app可以微信提现 program provides students with real world assignments and experiences to develop the skills needed to begin, continue, 并在私人律师事务所工作, corporate legal departments, and government agencies.

Paralegals may not provide legal services directly to the public, except as permitted by law.


阅读更多关于律师助理的工作 这篇文章来自美国律师协会(ABA).

What Will I Learn?

The 赌钱app可以微信提现 Paralegal program will prepare you for a successful career as a paralegal. 你将学会如何调查, interview, research legal precedent, and draft legal documents under the direction and supervision of an attorney. 你还将发展法律技术方面的技能, litigation preparation, legal analysis, and communication. The 赌钱app可以微信提现 Paralegal curriculum requires all students to build an online portfolio to showcase their work in the program and use in the job search process.

因为我们是美国律师协会批准的项目, you must have earned a qualifying degree before you can be awarded the Paralegal Certificate from 赌钱app可以微信提现.

If you have an associate of arts, associate of science, bachelor’s, or graduate degree from a U.S. regionally accredited institution, then you may apply to the Paralegal program to earn the Paralegal Certificate, which requires successful completion of 32 semester credit hours.

如果你还没有一个合格的学位, you can still apply to the Paralegal program to earn the Paralegal Certificate, 但你必须同时报名参加 Liberal Arts, AA degree program. 你将被要求完成60个学期的学分, which are a combination of general education courses and paralegal courses.

Visit the following catalog links to learn more about the LAW courses offered and the Paralegal program curriculum. 每学期你可以修任意数量的学分, so long as you do not miss more than one year without taking any credit courses at 赌钱app可以微信提现. The most common approaches to completing the Paralegal Certificate are:

  • Complete the Liberal Arts, AA degree and the Paralegal Certificate in two years (full-time student)
  • Complete the Paralegal Certificate in one year (full-time student who already has a degree)
  • Take one or more courses each semester toward the Paralegal Certificate and/or Liberal Arts, AA degree (part-time student)

[Catalog] Law Courses


[Catalog] Liberal Arts, AA

What is the Difference Between a Paralegal Certificate and Certification?

阅读更多关于获得律师助理证书的信息 这篇文章来自美国律师协会(ABA).

Why 赌钱app可以微信提现?

赌钱app可以微信提现 is dedicated to providing our Paralegal students with the highest quality education. Students will find many advantages to pursuing an education in 赌钱app可以微信提现’s Paralegal program.

Flexibility: Courses with live meetings provide options for meeting on campus or live online, and options for meeting in the late afternoon or evening to accommodate our students who are working professionals. These options allow you to plan your Paralegal courses around your busy schedule. Visit our Remote/Online Coursework page for more information about completing courses away from the campus.

Qualified Instructors: All of our instructors have experience working as paralegals or as attorneys with paralegals. 专职教授具有法学博士学位, 我们的兼职教授是执业律师助理或律师. Visit our Faculty page for more information.

Engaging and Relevant Events: You will have the opportunity to watch the legal process at work when the 堪萨斯州上诉法院听取赌钱app可以微信提现的口头辩论. 你可以和法律专家谈谈,比如来自美国的代表.S. Patent and Trademark Office, 或者是破产等特定法律领域的律师, immigration, or estate planning, 这取决于你选了哪些选修课. A great way to further network is by completing a paralegal internship or joining one of the local paralegal professional organizations.

Career Development: 你可以进入赌钱app可以微信提现 Career Development Center. 该中心帮助您构建rsamsamuys, prepare for interviews, 甚至协商工资和其他就业福利. The Paralegal program also maintains an electronic job posting system so that our students and graduates can be notified when interested employers are seeking to hire paralegals or other law-related positions.

Advisory Board: The 律师助理项目的顾问委员会 is made up of paralegals, attorneys, 以及其他来自地方政府和私营部门的专业人士, as well as educators and administrators from area high schools and colleges. The board monitors the program and provides insight on emerging trends and opportunities in the field, 帮助确保项目是最新的, well-designed, and student-focused.

赌钱app可以微信提现 Paralegal Program Goals


  • Competency in the fundamental principles and procedures relating to the major areas of law in the United States; 
  • 了解法律职业的道德标准; 
  • 有效的一般和法律技术技能; 
  • 在法律环境中使用的有效沟通技巧; 
  • The ability to collaborate effectively in a legal setting; and
  • 检索、评估和应用法律权威的能力.
这是一个择优录取的项目. See how to apply

Paralegals work in law firms, banks, real estate agencies, government, life insurance companies, and nonprofit organizations. 律师助理的就业机会预计将增加15%.到2030年,堪萨斯州的人口比例将达到6% 堪萨斯州劳工信息中心. Paralegal positions are expected to increase as law firms seek to provide more cost-effective legal services.

学位加上律师助理证书, 尤其是美国律师协会认可的课程, is vital for paralegals. Many employers require at least an associate’s degree combined with either a paralegal certificate or substantial experience in the field. 赌钱app可以微信提现’s program has been educating paralegals in the Kansas City market for more than 40 years. Our reputation for producing graduates prepared to work in the field on day one will help you achieve your career goals.

The U.S. 劳工部编制了关于律师助理职业的统计数据. 你会找到与堪萨斯州职业相关的信息, 包括工资信息和工作前景.

找到就业预测和工资信息 Power BI Post Graduate Report.

在职业决策方面需要帮助? Visit the Career Development Center.

The cost of going to college can drastically impact your ability to succeed. 在哪个app可以赌足球, 我们希望我们的学生能够负担得起他们喜欢的课程. That’s why we’re constantly working to make tuition more affordable for you.



在为大学做预算时,有几件事需要考虑. Visit our Cost of Attendance page for detailed information.

There are no additional costs to apply specifically to the Paralegal program or for paralegal courses. Some courses require purchase of a subscription service to access educational resources, 但是这些费用并不是用来购买那门课的课本. 

Resources and Tools at 赌钱app可以微信提现

Being a student at 赌钱app可以微信提现 means you have access to a range of services and resources to help you succeed. 我们提供专业的辅导和个性化的小班授课. When you attend 哪个app可以赌足球, your education truly matters.

上学的费用可能令人望而生畏. Fortunately, our Financial Aid 办公室的人会帮你完成这个过程. 我们的顾问可以帮助你找到资助你上学的方法, 包括奖学金和学生贷款, both of which can help to reduce the cost of your tuition every semester.

If you need help discovering what your passion will be post-graduation, our Career Development Center and Academic Counseling 服务是很好的支持工具.

你也可以继续你的教育 转学到四年制大学. 赌钱app可以微信提现 is here to help make the transition to another college program easy and stress-free.