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This program is eligible for the Kansas Promise Scholarship. See if you qualify.

In 赌钱app可以微信提现’s Interior Design program, 您将学习如何专业地在住宅和商业室内创造功能和美感.

室内设计不仅注重创造美丽的空间, but it also promotes client health, safety and welfare where we live, work, eat, sleep and play. 如果你正在寻找一个室内设计项目在堪萨斯城地区, 赌钱app可以微信提现 has a lot to offer you!

What will I learn in 赌钱app可以微信提现's Interior Design program?

赌钱app可以微信提现的室内设计专业是堪萨斯州唯一一个隶属于美国设计协会的专业 National Kitchen & Bath Association (NKBA). 我们的课程是独一无二的,因为它有几个路径,你可以采取,这取决于你的职业目标.

[Catalog] Interior Design, AAS

[Catalog] Kitchen & Bath Design Certificate

[Catalog] Interior Design Assistant Certificate

[Catalog] Interior Staging Certificate

我们的室内设计课程涵盖设计主题,如纺织品, floral design, space planning, residential and commercial design, manual and digital drafting, and sustainability practices. 无论你是开始第二职业还是刚刚起步, you will get a comprehensive education in:

  • Design elements and principles
  • Color design and theory
  • Design furnishings, materials, finishes and equipment
  • Construction methods, codes and specifications
  • Lighting, acoustics and indoor air quality
  • Interior design software applications
  • Design presentation and communication techniques

当你在赌钱app可以微信提现完成你的室内设计学位或证书, 你将创建一个工作室项目组合,这将增加你的就业选择.

Why 赌钱app可以微信提现's Interior Design program?

With 赌钱app可以微信提现’s Interior Design AAS degree,你将实习160小时,毕业后准备从事设计工作. 我们的行业人脉可以帮助你找到实习机会,开始你想要的职业生涯. 该学位还为以下考试提供教育基础:

The Kitchen and Bath Design Certificate 通过本专业的课程,您是否可以在需求旺盛的厨卫设计行业开始自己的职业生涯. It also qualifies you to take the Certified Kitchen & Bath Designer (CKBD) exam. 

Upon completing 赌钱app可以微信提现’s Interior Design Assistant Certificate, you can enter the world of interior design, 在赌钱app可以微信提现攻读副学士学位或将学分转到四年制大学. 我们提供与知名地区和国家四年制院校的转学协议,实现无缝转学.

Our Interior Staging Certificate prepares you to stage residential and commercial interiors.

对于注册或认证作为室内设计师的教育和额外要求, see 赌钱app可以微信提现’s professional licensure disclosures.

Resources and tools for Interior Design students at 赌钱app可以微信提现

赌钱app可以微信提现经验丰富,屡获殊荣的教授与行业保持着紧密的联系. 专业设计师经常是我们课堂上的客座演讲者, 室内设计展厅欢迎学生到校外学习. Each spring, select students can redesign a room in the Symphony Designers’ Showhouse, a fundraiser for the Kansas City Symphony.

深入研究室内设计,并与经验丰富的专业人士建立联系, 你有机会加入几个国家工业学生组织:

希望在完成AAS后转到四年制大学? 我们与几所知名的地区和国家四年制大学签订了转学协议,并且一直在增加更多的转学协议. Talk with the Interior Design department chair to learn more.

我们建议您在规划您的教育路径之前与室内设计顾问会面. 课程需要按照特定的顺序进行,以确保及时完成. 赌钱app可以微信提现 students also have access to our Career Development Center and Academic Resource Center.

Maddy F., Kitchen and Bath Designer at Mission Kitchen and Bath
My education from 赌钱app可以微信提现 set me up for success in the interior design industry; after graduation I left feeling confident in myself and my abilities.
Join other successful 赌钱app可以微信提现 students Apply now

At 赌钱app可以微信提现, interior design is all about options. 你可以完成一个证书,并在一年内加入劳动力市场,或者你可以毕业与应用科学(AAS)的副学士学位打开更多的门. With three certificates and an AAS degree, 赌钱app可以微信提现可以帮助您根据自己的愿望开展职业生涯. 

Along your interior design journey at 赌钱app可以微信提现, discover how design processes, 专业的设计文件和最佳商业实践可以为您的未来做好准备:

  • Residential or commercial interior designer
  • Kitchen and bath designer
  • Interior design project manager
  • Interior design assistant
  • Home stager, color consultant and/or finishes coordinator
  • 室内设计展厅或产品线的销售设计师或顾问
  • Space planner for homes and commercial buildings
  • CAD designer for interiors

哪个app可以赌足球的教授带领你进入这个价值数十亿美元的产业. 重点是结合创意和技术的项目, 你将带着令人印象深刻的作品集完成这个项目,向潜在的雇主展示你的工作.

The U.S. 劳工部编制了室内设计职业的统计数据 involving interior design. 你会找到与堪萨斯州职业相关的信息, including salary information and job prospects

Download the Interior Design Program Outlook (PDF) for employment projections and salary information.


赌钱app可以微信提现致力于确保金钱不会阻止学生追求教育. For this reason, 我们采取了各种措施,使接受教育的费用更容易负担.

Scholarships are available to Interior Design students. Be sure to look for grants and loans, also. Our Financial Aid Office can help you apply for aid.

Here’s what we offer:

Textbooks and supplies vary depending on your classes.

在为大学做预算时,有几件事需要考虑. Visit our Cost of Attendance page for detailed information.


  • Janet Alhom Memorial Interior Design Scholarship
  • Bill and June Bailey Interior Design Scholarship
  • IDSA Design Merit Award
  • Harris Polsky Interior Design Scholarship
  • Jack Harris Interior Design Scholarship
  • Kansas City Regional Association of REALTORS Scholarship

To learn more about individual scholarship criteria, including deadlines, requirements, GPA and enrollment status, click on the Search Scholarships blue bar on the scholarships information page.

为了运行室内设计中使用的图形化软件程序(可能的软件:Revit), AutoCad, Chief Architect, 20/20, Sketch-up and Adobe suites), the following are minimum recommendations for a computer:

  1. Faster Processor (example: recommend i5 or higher)
  2. 更高的工作内存(例如:推荐16gb或更高)
  3. Powerful graphics card (varies depending on brand)
室内设计专业目前需要的软件是微软Windows平台.  An Apple computer may be used if it dual-boots into Windows.  Although some software may be available on an Apple product, 教师不会解决接口差异.

哪个app可以赌足球的室内设计AAS学位是国家厨房的附属项目 & Bath Association.

NKBA accreditation and affiliated school logos
该计划需要实习,实习,临床部分或州/委员会许可. 举办实习/实习/诊所的机构可能会要求申请人提供社会安全号码或出示社会安全卡的证明. See program chairperson for more information.