
生物学 is the study of living organisms, including humans, animals, 和 plants. 在生物学, there are specialized fields of study that allow scientists to focus in on a particular area of the living world.

What will I learn in 赌钱app可以微信提现’s 生物学 courses?

哪个app可以赌足球, our 生物学 program offers courses in many areas of the field. Studying biology can lead to many different careers, so let’s look at what 赌钱app可以微信提现’s 生物学 program can offer you.

我们的世界正在成长和演变, 和 it needs experts who underst和 how life functions from the microscopic level to the biome.

生物学 sharpens your critical thinking 和 teamwork skills—two qualities employers seek out in potential employees regardless of job title. If you’re seeking a career in medicine or allied health, biology is the first rung on the ladder to all your future studies.

When you study biology, you learn about the living world, including yourself. There are three main branches of biology—microbiology, botany 和 zoology. At 赌钱app可以微信提现, you can pick from courses in each of these areas. From general zoology to human anatomy 和 physiology, a wide variety of biology courses is available.

通过学习生物学, you also learn essential life skills you’ll need to succeed wherever you go, 比如如何:

  • 处理大量的信息
  • Assess your personal observations 和 perspective objectively
  • 建设性地回应批评

赌钱app可以微信提现 offers a wide range of 生物学 courses that will appeal to your career needs 和 personal interests.



You will find that there are many benefits to choosing to take a 生物学 course at 赌钱app可以微信提现. Here are some of the reasons why students have taken courses at 赌钱app可以微信提现:


At 赌钱app可以微信提现, our 生物学 courses are limited to approximately 24 students. The small class size allows for a more personalized learning environment, so you can:

  • 问问题
  • 参与讨论
  • 与同学和教授联系


Life can be busy, which is why we offer classes at convenient times that will fit into your schedule. We also offer convenient online classes for nearly every course offered.


赌钱app可以微信提现 生物学 classes are transferable to most four-year schools, such as the University of Kansas or Kansas State University. 在上了我们的生物课之后, you can transfer your credits to apply toward your bachelor's degree, whether to general studies or a particular degree program.

加入其他成功的赌钱app可以微信提现学生 马上申请

生活中的工作, physical 和 social science industries are expected to grow by 10 percent through 2026, 结果是124,新增800个工作岗位. You can choose to apply the 生物学 credits you earn at 赌钱app可以微信提现 to an associate degree or a bachelor’s degree at a four-year school. You may even go on to pursue your master’s degree or doctorate.



  • Analyze food 和 other agricultural products for safety 和 quality as an agricultural 和 food science technician
  • Study pollution 和 contamination as an environmental science 和 protection technician


  • Improve food productivity 和 sustainability as an agricultural 和 food scientist
  • Immerse yourself in lab work as a biotechnician
  • Work with wildlife as a zoologist or wildlife biologist


  • Encourage people to lead healthy, fulfilling lives as a physician or surgeon
  • Develop new lifesaving medicines 和 treatments as a biochemist or biophysicist
  • Study bacteria, viruses 和 other microorganisms as a microbiologist

与某人预约 学术顾问 to make sure the courses you take will transfer.

在职业决策方面需要帮助? 参观 职业发展中心.

The cost of going to college can drastically impact your ability to succeed. 在哪个app可以赌足球, we want our students to be able to afford a program that they love. That’s why we’re constantly working to make 学费 more affordable for you.


Textbook 和 other supply costs vary depending on your courses.

There are several things to consider when budgeting for college. 访问我们的 出勤费用页面 详细信息.


Being a student at 赌钱app可以微信提现 means you have access to a range of services 和 resources to help you succeed. We offer professional tutoring 和 small, personalized class sizes. When you attend 哪个app可以赌足球, your education truly matters.

The cost of going to school can be daunting. 幸运的是,我们的 金融援助 office is here to help you through the process. Our counselors can help you find ways to fund your schooling, 包括奖学金和学生贷款, both of which can help to reduce the cost of your 学费 every semester.

If you need help discovering what your passion will be post-graduation, our 职业发展中心学术咨询 服务是很好的支持工具.

你也可以继续你的教育 转学到四年制大学. 赌钱app可以微信提现 is here to help make the transition to another college program easy 和 stress-free.