
Experience h和s-on lessons using advanced technology in the 天文学 program at 赌钱app可以微信提现. Share your passion for the stars with other students 和 learn from dedicated faculty members.

What will I learn in 赌钱app可以微信提现's 天文学 program?

The 天文学 program at 哪个app可以赌足球 provides you with a galaxy of different career options once you graduate.

It's more than peering through telescopes at the sky. 当你学习天文学的时候, you’ll exp和 your knowledge 和 underst和ing of the sun, 月亮, 行星, 恒星和其他深空物体. Earn science credits 和 exp和 your horizons with an astronomy education from 赌钱app可以微信提现.

The following 赌钱app可以微信提现 天文学 courses are approved by the Kansas Board of Regents to transfer to any Kansas postsecondary public institution. They will also transfer to many other four-year schools. 这些课程如下:

  • ASTR 120天文学基础: ASTR 120 is an online course that offers 3 credit hours. Consider choosing this option if you’ve already fulfilled your science lab requirement 和 would like to learn more supplemental information, or if you want a more flexible schedule.
  • ASTR 122天文学: ASTR 122 is on campus 和 offers 4 credit hours. You will have the opportunity to use five 45-minute observing sessions to gaze at the cosmos. This class can also fulfill your science lab requirement.



赌钱app可以微信提现 offers both online 和 on-campus classes to start your studies in the 天文学 program. Enjoy the flexibility of online courses that can be scheduled to fit your lifestyle. 另一方面, 校内课程以讲座为特色, 实验室, 和 time in our fully equipped Paul Tebbe Observatory.

Located five stories high on the roof of the Classroom Laboratory Building (CLB), the Paul Tebbe Observatory is comparable to those you'd find at many four-year schools. 它的特点:

  • Two mounted 12-inch reflecting telescopes 和 removable hydrogen-alpha filters for observing the sun
  • Four 8-inch reflecting telescopes can be placed on one of the two other hard mounts on the observing deck or upon portable tripods
  • Astronomical CCD cameras for creating remarkable, detailed images
  • A dedicated, portable solar telescope with a built-in hydrogen-alpha filter
  • A special camera to track nearby meteor traffic 和 trajectories
  • Red lights to maximize night vision during observations

Looking for an even deeper learning experience? Consider applying for an Honors contract or independent study. 赌钱app可以微信提现’s 天文学 program allows you to work with a knowledgeable faculty mentor to pursue a topic of study or design 和 complete a research project.


加入其他成功的赌钱app可以微信提现学生 马上申请

赌钱app可以微信提现, the 天文学 program exp和s your skillset 和 knowledge of physics, 数学, 计算机编程, 和统计数据. These skills are in dem和, especially for many high-paying job positions. If you go on to get a bachelor’s degree in astronomy, you can pursue a rewarding career as a:

  • 科学教育家
  • 实验室技术员
  • 计算机程序员
  • 科学记者

You may choose to work in national observatories, 研究中心, 私人产业, 博物馆或天文馆. You can also choose to enter a graduate program 和 continue toward becoming a professional astronomer. 与某人预约 学术顾问 who specializes in this program to learn more about your options.


The cost of going to college can drastically impact your ability to succeed. 在哪个app可以赌足球, we want our students to be able to afford a program that they love. That’s why we’re constantly working to make 学费 more affordable for you.

Here’s what 赌钱app可以微信提现 has to offer 天文学 students:

Textbook 和 other supply costs vary depending on your courses.

There are several things to consider when budgeting for college. 访问我们的 出勤费用页面 详细信息.


In addition to tutoring 和 small class sizes, there are several resources available to you as a 赌钱app可以微信提现 student. 

我们的 金融援助 office can help you make a plan to pay for your schooling including the use of scholarships 和 student loans. 

我们的 职业发展中心 和 学术咨询 services ensure your degree in astronomy aligns with your long-term career goals. 

你也可以决定 transfer your credits to another university later. 转移ring allows you to further your studies 和 knowledge through various other programs 和 career paths.