1 .董事会会议.00

交叉引用: 董事会的特别会议.01

适用性: This Policy applies to the 哪个app可以赌足球 (“赌钱app可以微信提现” or the “College”) 校董会 (the “Board”).

目的: 本政策的目的是订明董事会会议的频率和目的.


I. 组织会议

The purpose of the 组织会议 is to elect officers and appoint committee members and liaisons as set forth in Board policies and otherwise approved by the Board. 新任干部和委员将从明年1月的第二个星期一开始正式就任, 与K一致.S.A. 71-1412.

II. 定期会议

校董会每月应至少举行一次定期会议. Formal Board action may be taken at any regularly scheduled meeting or special meeting on any item listed in the Board's agenda or on any item which the Board by majority vote adds to the agenda during the meeting. The regular meeting date and time may be changed by majority consent of the 校董会. 董事会成员可通过电话参加定期或特别会议, 视频会议或其他可用的远程参会技术, and should make arrangements to do so prior to the Board meeting to the extent reasonably possible. 远程出现的成员应该合理地让公众看到(例如.e.(开着相机). Trustees are expected to attend all regularly scheduled Board meetings in person absent exigent circumstances. 任何会议的录音都是破坏性的, 重复的专业录音,并可能与《赌钱app可以微信提现》的原则相矛盾. 尽可能地, 定期会议将在网上直播,供公众观看, 会议结束后可供观看. 应在每次定期会议上提供公众意见征询期.

3. 特殊的会议

Special meetings of the 校董会 may be scheduled as necessary for the efficient operation of the College. A special meeting of the Board may be called by the Board Chair or by a majority of the members of the Board. The Board maintains procedures for determining how a special meeting may be called by a Board majority (see 董事会特别会议的操作程序). 特别会议通知应按照学院政策和州法律的要求提供.

IV. 学习会议、工作坊和静修

The Board may meet informally with College employees to familiarize itself with various aspects of College operations. 然而, 董事会不得对学院事务采取正式行动, 但在为此目的而指定的定期或特别会议上除外. 任何时候,董事会的法定人数都应达到, 会议将按照《赌钱app可以微信提现》(K.S.A. 75-4317等.).

V. 议程

学院院长, 与董事会主席协商, 将为理事会的所有定期会议和特别会议准备议程. Provision will be made for a reasonable period of open forum communications from interested citizens related to College business and conducted in a civil manner. The Chair shall have the responsibility and authority for ensuring the open forum period is conducted in a civil, 尊重, 和富有成效的态度. 除非得到全体出席成员的多数同意, 董事会将只对议程上的项目采取行动. Members desiring to have an item placed on the agenda should notify the Chair at least five (5) calendar days prior to the meeting. The Chair and the President of the College will determine whether or when such item will be placed on the agenda. 另外, 在一次会议上,经理事会过半数同意,可将某一项目列入议程. The agenda and related Board packet for each regular board meeting will be delivered to each Board member at least four (4) working days prior to the meeting time, 对议程的后续补充将尽快予以通报. The agenda and related Board packet for special meetings will be made available to Board members at or prior to the Board meeting as time permits.

VI. 会议通知

日期通知, time and place of any regular or special meeting of the Board will be provided as required by law.

7. 法定人数

A majority of duly qualified and serving Board members shall be a quorum for conducting business at official Board sessions. 法定人数的多数票将构成董事会的行动.

8. 会议过程

A. The Secretary or designee will record the name of the Trustee initiating and seconding each motion. 每项议案的处理,包括每位议员的投票,都将被记录下来.
B. 董事会可能会在有争议的问题上进行分裂投票. On such occasions it is expected that all Board members will actively support all official actions of the Board.
C. 董事会成员未出席任何正式会议将记录在会议记录中.
D. The Board may refer to Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised for guidance on parliamentary procedures.


IX. 行政会议

A. 执行会议应按照《赌钱app可以微信提现》进行. 经正式提出、附议和通过,理事会可休会至执行会议. Any motion to recess for an executive session shall include: a statement of the justification for closing the meeting, 将在执行会议期间讨论的主题, 被邀请参加的个人, 恢复公开会议的时间和地点, 国家法律规定的其他事项. 这样的运动, 包括所需的语句, shall be recorded in the minutes of the meeting and shall be maintained as part of the permanent records of the Board. Discussion during the executive session shall be limited to those subjects stated in the motion. The intent of any executive session is to maintain confidentiality and in order to protect confidentiality, executive sessions shall not be taped or otherwise recorded nor shall the items presented be disclosed to anyone not authorized to participate in executive session. 现场出席是期望. Attendance by telephone or other available technology will be permitted only if the attendance is verified as secure (i.e., neither the audio or video may be reviewed or overheard by any person not authorized to participate in the executive session) and is pre-approved by the Chair with reasonable advanced notice. The Chair may determine on an ad hoc basis that a specific executive session is sufficiently sensitive that remote participation will not be permitted.
B. The only subjects which may be discussed at any executive meeting are those enumerated in the Kansas Open Meetings Act, 一般包括:
1. 非选举产生之个人人员之下列事项:雇用, 终止雇佣和其他形式的纪律处分, 对这些人员的业绩评价和投诉;
2. Consultation with an attorney for the College which would be deemed privileged in the attorney-client relationship;
3. 有关雇主与雇员谈判事宜, 是否与学院的代表协商;
4. 对学生产生不利或有利影响的行为, except that any such student shall have the right to a public hearing if requested by the person;
5. Preliminary discussions relating to the acquisition of real property; and
6. 有关学院或其建筑物的安全事宜, 设施, 或者信息系统, if the discussion of such matters at an open meeting would jeopardize the security of the College, 或者这样的建筑, 设施或资讯系统.
7. All other subjects or activities permitted by Kansas law to be the subject of an executive session.
C. 在执行会议期间不应采取任何具有约束力的行动.


X. 董事会成员的权力

董事会成员只有在正式会议期间才有权采取董事会的正式行动. No member of the Board shall have nor shall claim to have the power to act in the name of the Board unless authorized to do so by the majority of the Board in an official meeting.

修正:03/23/1992, 08/04/1992, 04/15/1993, 05/26/1993, 06/16/1994, 07/20/1995, 07/13/2000, 09/17/2009, 01/18/2018, 11/18/2021, 11/17/2022, 01/03/2024
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