Same Day 旅行 Operating Procedure 216.02
Johnson County Community College
Series: 200 Administrative Services
Section: 旅行 and Reimbursement of Expenses

交叉引用: Reimbursement of 旅行 Expenses Policy 216.01

适用性: This Operating Procedure applies to all Johnson County Community College (“赌钱app可以微信提现” or the “College”) Same Day 旅行.

目的: The purpose of this Operating Procedure is to establish procedures for approval and reimbursement of Same Day 旅行 and describe reimbursable expenses.


“Same Day 旅行” means College related travel that does not include an overnight stay. For example, an early morning flight to St. Louis, Missouri with a same day return is considered Same Day 旅行.


I. 费用:

A. 吃饭费用.

The College will reimburse actual meal expenses incurred that have a clear business purpose. Meal reimbursement requests must include a brief description of the purpose of the meal which clearly justifies the reimbursement as a business expense of the College. Meals during Same Day 旅行 within a 50-mile radius of the employee’s 赌钱app可以微信提现 work location that include only 赌钱app可以微信提现 employees will be reimbursed with approval of a Vice 总统. Purchases of alcohol will not be reimbursed.

B. Non-Meal费用.

Other expenses incurred during Same Day 旅行 will be processed in a manner consistent with reimbursement for Overnight 旅行 expenses as stated in Overnight 旅行 Operating Procedure 216.03.

II. 旅行 Expense Report and Reimbursement:

Within 30 days after the Same Day 旅行 has been completed, the traveler must submit an Out-of-Pocket Expense Reimbursement Request in the College’s travel and expense management system.

Private auto mileage for each trip should be listed separately by date. Reimbursement for private auto mileage incurred for Same Day 旅行 will be computed at the standard mileage reimbursement rate in use by the College on the date of travel using the lesser of:

  • The mileage between the employee’s 赌钱app可以微信提现 work location and the site of the meeting; or
  • The mileage between the employee’s home and the site of the meeting (if traveling from home).

Mileage between the traveler’s home to the traveler’s 赌钱app可以微信提现 work location is not reimbursable.

3. 异常:

异常 to this Operating Procedure may be approved by the Vice 总统, Finance and Administrative Services or designee.

Signature on File in Policy Office


Revised: 05/24/2011; 08/14/2014; 09/24/2019; 12/14/2023
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