
交叉引用: 记录保留策略- 219.00

适用性: This Operating Procedure applies to all 哪个app可以赌足球 (“赌钱app可以微信提现” or “the College”) personnel and Records, 如记录保留策略219所定义.赌钱app可以微信提现所有部门都有.

目的: This Operating Procedure establishes the process for implementation of and compliance with the College’s 记录保留政策.00. 


“记录保留时间表” is a document that guides decisions related to the maintenance and purging of Records. 记录保留计划包含, 至少, a list of categories of Records and the length of time that each category of Records must be retained by the department responsible for the Record. The retention periods contained in a 记录保留时间表 shall be, 至少, 法定时间:法律规定的时间长度. Longer retention periods may be established to meet the business needs of the College.   

“记录的保管” is the College employee in each department who is responsible for overseeing and providing reports on the department’s Records management as may be necessary or required for College operations.


Each department shall be responsible for documenting Records maintained and purged and ensuring that its employees comply with the 记录保留政策.00和本操作规程.

Records retention will be accomplished on a departmental basis, 因为每个部门都接受过识别培训, maintain and purge appropriate Records and will occur in accordance with this Operating Procedure, 记录保留政策.00、数据分类和安全策略.00, and Data Classification and Security Operating Procedure 530.01.

It is imperative that 赌钱app可以微信提现 knows which Records have been retained and which Records have been purged. 因此, 记录副本, 包括通信, 笔记, 电子邮件, 备忘录, 电脑光盘, 磁带, 等., that are authorized to be maintained in individual offices or any off-site location should not be retained in excess of the guidelines set forth in the department’s 记录保留时间表.


  1. 记录保留时间表. 记录保留时间表s will be developed and implemented by departments in coordination with the College’s Office of General Counsel ([). 为了降低高昂的存储成本, indexing and handling the vast amount of Records that would otherwise accumulate, the 记录保留时间表 should set retention periods that provide for Records to be purged as soon as they are no longer required or necessary for administrative, 财政, 法律, 历史或商业目的.
  2. 记录的保管. 各部门将指定一名记录保管员, 谁通常是数据保管人, as defined in the Data Classification and Security Operating Procedure 530.01. If the Data Custodian is different from the 记录的保管 for a particular department, the 记录的保管 will coordinate Records management with the Data Custodian. The 记录的保管 may delegate retention and purging tasks but will be ultimately responsible for compliance with the Policy and this Operating Procedure. 
  3. 记录审查. Departments shall review Records annually to identify new Records to be purged since the previous review, unless an exception to purging applies as specifically set forth below.
  4. 清除. Records that are ready for purging and not subject to an exception, 如本操作程序所述, 应按以下方式清洗: 
A. 包含敏感和限制数据的记录, as defined in the Data Classification and Security Operating Procedure 530.01, 是否会按照适用法律进行清洗, 数据分类和安全策略.00, the Data Classification and Security Operating Procedure 530.01, and 赌钱app可以微信提现’s confidentiality guidelines for each department. 
B. 包含公共数据的电子记录, as defined in the Data Classification and Security Operating Procedure 530.01, should be purged from the file in which they reside.
C. All other Records will be purged in any reasonable manner, 考虑到纪录的性质, 部门认为合适的.
  1. 清洗的例外情况. Records that are past the stated time period in the applicable 记录保留时间表 may need to be retained due to otherwise unusual circumstances, 比如诉讼或政府调查.  如果在记录上放置了保持 [, the department responsible for the Record will be notified and will label the Record for indefinite retention, until further notice is received by or on behalf of the [
  2. 各部门必须保存清除记录的记录.


Departments may elect to maintain Records in an electronic format, such as digital imaging or 电子邮件. 数码影像, 电子邮件, and other electronic Records retention methods shall be utilized in a manner that will ensure confidentiality, 合理的可访问性, and long-term preservation of Records in accordance with this Operating Procedure, 数据分类和安全策略.00, the Data Classification and Security Operating Procedure 530.01,以及部门的记录保存时间表. Emails are not their own Record type and should be retained as per the retention period for the appropriate Record type as determined in a department’s 记录保留时间表. 数码成像的使用, 电子邮件, and other electronic Records retention methods shall be consistent with all applicable laws, regulations and guidance as may be issued from the Kansas Historical Society and other governing agencies. 


Requests for exceptions from the 记录保留政策.00或本操作规程 should be submitted in writing first to the department’s 记录的保管 and then to the [.  In order to obtain an exception from the 记录保留政策.00或本操作规程, there must be justification that will assure compliance with the basic objectives stated above.


The [ and Internal Audit will be responsible for interpreting any portions of this Operating Procedure or the 记录保留政策.因为它们可能适用于具体情况.


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